-2 cups shredded green papaya
-2 tsp: sugar, fish sauce
-salted baby crabs (as much or as little as you prefer)
-tomato and cucumber slices
-1 tbs dried shrimp
-Thai chilies (optional)
-Thai basil
-juice from ½ lime
-3 string beans
What to Do:
Slice string beans thinly and chop basil. In a large bowl pound dried shrimp, chilies, and sugar using a pestle. Add fish sauce and lime juice and mix to make “dressing”. Add papaya. Using both hands, one with a pestle and the other with a spoon gently pound and mix papaya with the dressing. Lastly, toss in crabs, beans and basil. Serve with tomatoes and cucumber slices.
7:56 PM |
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Comments (4)
sao ngon qua dai ?
What is salty crab? Is it gach cua? If not, could you please post a picture of it. Thanks.
it's ba khia.
what?! no shrimp paste or .. padek? or tomatoes in it instead of a garnish!? youre missin out! --im laotian btw. =)
and u should try adding cooked peeled crawfish or peeled shrimp and adding it. or add noodles (the white round ones) . mMMm!