-2 large cassava
-1/2 cup sugar (approx., to taste)
-pinch of salt
-grated coconut
What to Do:
Peel cassava and cut into 1 inch pieces. Soak cassava in water for at least 1 hour, before steaming over high heat for about 30 mins or until knife tender. Break cassava into small bite size pieces and toss with sugar, salt and coconut.
Cassava contains a natural poison (hydrocyanic acid) and thus cannot be consumed raw cassava. Make sure the cassava is fully cooked before consuming.
11:47 PM |
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Comments (4)
hi, i was wondering if you can point me in the right direction. i am looking for a cassava cake recipe, i used to buy this cake in viet stores in san jose area (CA). it looks like this http://aprilisa.multiply.com/recipes/item/86 but this one uses fermented cassava. i bought some fresh cassava and wanna try making the viet style, but can't find a decent/right recipe. thanks so much. i like your site and your recipes, hope to try some soon.
what do you mean by "decent" recipe?
The cake you're referring to is bánh khoai mì nướng. There are 2 versions of this cake one with mung beans added and one w/out. Basically just a mixture of grated cassava, coconut milk, sugar, mung beans (optional), sweetened condense milk, butter, and eggs that is then baked. For a actual recipe please post a request in one of the forums I visit, more info: http://pwmf.blogspot.com/2006/10/its-been-year.html
If you read vietnamese there's probably a recipe already posted in the datviet forum that you can try out.
If you're like me, you can experiment and create your own recipe... You do have a head start, you know the ingredients already...why not play with your food?
hi, do you know what the items in the link (here: http://www.rawbw.com/~nani/cassava/) are? i took the photos on a visit to southern california but i couldnt speak with the lady in the photo. i think they are some kind of cassava thing. do you know the name of the snack and do you have a recipe or a link to a recipe? thanks! theyre so delicious!
it looks like banh cay (grated cassava, turmeric and/or curry, green onions, salt and deep fried).