-1 bunch watercress
-1/4lb prawns
-1 green onion
-dash of oil
-3-4 cups water (approx.)
-salt, pinch of sugar
What to Do:
Peel, devein, and crush prawns. Crush and mince onion. Pinch watercress into short “bite size pieces”, wash and drain. Stir fry onion and prawns in oil until fragrant add water and bring to a boil, skim surface of soup. Add salt and sugar to taste. Add watercress right before serving.
9:12 PM |
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Comments (1)
I chanced upon your blog while looking for a recipe for Chè Chuối. Anyways, your site is definitely one of the bst recipe/food blogs I've ever seen! Very inspiring :D So today I made this dish & it turned out pretty good (put a little bit of fish sauce instead of more salt).
Thank you!