-175g cake flour
-1/2 tsp yeast
-1/2 tsp sugar
-160g warm water
*Dissolve yeast and sugar in water, then add to cake flour. Mix everything together and prove until doubled or overnight.
Main Dough:
-200g starter dough
-50g sugar
-2 tsp double acting baking powder
-3 tsp water
-100g all purpose flour
-20g shortening
*Mix sugar with starter dough until sugar dissolves. Add baking powder, water, and shortening mix until smooth. Finally add flour and kneed for a few mins. Let dough rest for a few mins (about 10), then wrap filling. Steam immediately after wrapping.
Mix the leftover starter dough (135g) with 1/2 tsp sugar, 120g cake flour, and 80g water, then prove until doubled or overnight = more starter dough to start recipe over again.
7:03 PM |
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Comments (20)
What if you don't have shortening, what can be use in place of it.
why don't you have shortening?
Your recipe for Starter Dough:
-175g cake flour
-1/2 tsp yeast
-1/2 tsp sugar
-160g warm water
Main Dough:
-200g starter dough
-50g sugar
-2 tsp double acting baking powder
-3 tsp water
-100g all purpose flour
-20g shortening
Question ... does the starter dough once combined equal to 200g ?
does 175 + 160 = 200???
read the whole recipe and see what it says about the starter...that should answer your question...
First time I try making dumpling, using your recipe for the skin, big success. Thanks alot.
I tried your recipe, somehow my pau skin was not as white as yours. Is there any reason for that?
practice makes perfect
HoangTam, do you have a recipe of banh bao with green beans filling
(vegetarian) ?
As for shortening. I live in the Netherlands, I could not find shortening at any Asian Store. Can I leave it out ?
Thank you.
you should never omit an ingredient from a recipe unless you really know what you're doing. do a bit more research on shortening (google is your friend) and see what you can do...
Hi tt, I found your recipe from Jo's Deli message board and I tried it. My pau didn't smile...but the texture was good. However, I can taste a slight tinge of bitter aftertaste. I followed the exact measurement in your recipe...can you tell me where went wrong? btw, I didn't have double acting baking powder so i substitute with normal baking powder that has the following ingredients: disodium diphosphate, natrium bicarbonate and potato starch. I read from the internet that if there are 2 acids in the baking powder, it qualifies as double acting...
What's cake flour and why do you use it? Thanks
hey, thanks a lot, I am looking for this recipe! cheers!
thưa anh,
xin lỗi anh, em không biết viết tiếng mỹ ạ.
sao em đọc trên web thấy hầu hết các recipe đều dùng men nở bánh mì với bột có nhiều gluten; nhưng có recipe lại dậy cách làm bánh bao với hoàn toàn wheat starch cho trắng, tức không còn xíu gluten nào (em có sai không ?), trường hợp này, men có tác dụng gi ạ ?
xin cảm ơn anh
men có tác dụng làm cho bánh nổi. bột không có gluten thì bánh sẽ không bao giò nổi xốp được.
Hi HoangTam
I live in Australia, and could not find cake flour here. Google the subtitution, some websites said "subtitue 1 cup cakeflour with 1 cup all-purpose flour minus 2 tablespoons" Can I use this method for this Basic Pau skin or Maylay Steam Sponge Cake? Thanks
you can just use all purpose flour if you can't find cake flour. If you plan on substituting I suggest you do it by WEIGHT. 900g all purpose flour + 100g corn or wheat starch.
Anh Hoàng Tâm cho em hỏi, nếu không làm bánh bao ngay thì có thể trữ bột cái vào tủ lạnh không, và nếu được thì tối đa bao lâu?
Hello tt
I tried making double portion & it didn't work. The buns didn't rise and turn out yellow. Do I double everything in your recipes even the yeast in the starter mix? Also, I beat the mix for 10 mins and rest it 20 min before wrapping, then rest it again for 10 min before steaming. Am I doing something wrong? Regards LD
Thanks for sharing a great recipe! I'd like to make a double batch of bao. Does this recipe work just as well if I double all of the ingredients for the starter & for the main dough?
Bột cái có thể để dành trong tủ lạnh tối đa 1 tuần.
it you double the recipe you have to double EVERYTHING.
this recipes multiples very well.