-1/2lb pork belly
-1/2lb prawns
-rice vermicelli
-beans sprouts
-fresh assorted herbs
-Chinese chives
-fresh coconut juice or water
What to Do:
Boil prawns and pork in coconut juice, add salt to taste. Slice pork into thin slices. Peel prawns and slice in half. Cook and drain rice vermicelli. Add noodles in to a bowl, followed by pork and prawns. Ladle on hot broth and garnish with chop chives. Serve with cooked bean sprouts, and fresh herbs.
9:12 PM |
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Comments (3)
I get an error when I go to your website:
what exactly happens? Can't you just click ok and move on to view the site?
Anh ơi ,bún gỏi già nhất định phải có
-Tương hột giã nhuyễn
-Đậu phọng rang vàng giã nhuyễn
-Me chua